Young At Heart

The more sophisticated I get, the more I think about what our lives would be like if we could be young again. There are, of course, many things that we could enjoy with more enthusiasm.........but - then there's always the worry of more algebra.

There are things you can do, however, to stay sharp and learn more as you grow older. Even if your thinking ability is not as clear as it once was, there are things you can do to increase your responsiveness.

Research from Harvard University suggests that getting physical exercise helps to maintain our ability to solve problems, to remember things and to concentrate. Even something like swimming can be helpful because it helps you to be mindful of your breathing and it forces you to count your strokes and kicks.

Brain activity can become one of your best friends and it doesn't always have to be physical. It may involve painting, learning how to play an instrument, learning a new language or journal writing.

Begin your trip toward maintaining youth by embracing one new activity. You can also take a class involving an up-to-date skill.......anything from playing bridge to building one. It has been demonstrated that people who gather less education are at a higher risk for some kind of dementia.

The following steps can also keep your mind sharp as you age. Listen to your health care provider when you are advised to put down the salt shaker, eat plenty of vegetables and eat healthy fish regularly - like salmon and mackerel.

Of course, if you are smoking, STOP. Eliminate excessive alcohol use. Our lives do not go on forever, but, why give up the time you could enjoy and the years during which you can remain productive.

I am often reminded of what my alter ego, Andy Rooney, used to say about life; "...It is like a roll of toilet paper...the closer you get to the end, the shorter it gets. The idea of living a long life appeals to everyone, but, the idea of growing old - unnecessarily, appeals to no one."

And, then, there is always the unforgettable advice from my buddy, Lucille Ball, when she spoke of staying young..."Live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age."

Have a healthy day. If you need help figuring out how to do that, come on in and let's talk about it.

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